Thursday, December 06, 2007

Christmas in Szeged

Concert...featuring a very famous flaotist as well as a cellist from the Budapest opera...seated on the right.
Tusi and Arden, after the concert. Tusi plays violin in the local orchestra!

This says: "Happy Christmas" and is on the front of the City Hall building here in Szeged!!!

These are the lights going down Karasz utca, our "walking street" downtown. You can just see the lights on the big Christmas tree in the middle of the square on the far right of the picture in the distance!

Yes indeedy, it's beginning to look a lot like Christmas around the city! Lots of concerts, lights, hot-spiced wine, and Christmas markets! Tonight, I was invited to a symphonic orchestral concert during which they played a truly Adventi song as well as Vivaldi's Four Seasons. (Eat your heart out Foley). Afterwards, I took a stroll downtown, and yes, the "Happy Christmas" lights are on the CITY HALL building! (You won't see THAT in the U.S.A. anymore, sadly). December is definitely a month to celebrate and engage in lots of fun Christmasy activities here in Europe!


Mary Jill said...

Great picture of lights down the center of town!!! Impressive. I like how you are pointing out the freedom here. Keep up the great blog :-)

revtom said...

yes, i am eating my heart out! It is great to be reminded of all the fab traditions in HU at Christmas time which give such open doors into hearts!