Thursday, December 27, 2007

Christmas 2007

Pretty much the only "bad" thing about this Christmas is that my digital camera bit the dust on the, now I have to wait for my friends to send me some of their pictures so I can post them to my blog. For now, words will have to suffice!

What a FUN Christmas we had in Debrecen, Hungary. It's definitely one for the memory books. Erik, Sara (Swedish medical students) and I drove to Debrecen to stay with Mary Jill and Edith for the holidays! Sunday afternoon we went to a really cool Japanese restaurant where the food comes by each table on small plates along conveyor belts and you just take whatever you want to try! Then we walked downtown to see if there was a movie showing in luck... so we spent very little time outside the house due to cold temps, and just lounged around, cooking, eating, watching movies at home, and laughing, laughing, laughing like crazy! I cannot remember the last time in my life when I laughed as hard, as long and as often as I laughed during these 5 days! We made such sweet memories together! God is good all the time!

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