Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Thoughts on LOVE!

I have two cats: Toby and Simon. I've had them since they were each 6 weeks old, and they are both turning 9 this year! Sweet boys, sometimes a headache when they wake me up at 3 a.m. to go out onto the balcony, but otherwise, great pets. They've taught me a LOT during the past 9 years, in fact, I even started writing a devotional book about what I've learned from them.

Well, today, as I was getting up, getting my coffee and breakfast, Toby came into the kitchen and began meowing loudly. After much "questioning", I realized that what he wanted from me was my love. If I would just take some time and give him some love and attention, he would be filled up and satisfied.

Toby and Simon know the ultimate SOURCE of love: me, their "master". They know that they can come and receive not only physical strokes, but in that, the comfort and love and attention they truly need. Speaking kind, loving words to them too seems to bring them great joy and satisfaction.

Of course Toby and Simon love being on the balcony outside, and they rub up against the iron railing, or they roll over on the tile and rub their backs, or they may even get some scratching and rubbing from my neighbors as they pass by. But these "sources", while good, are simply not the same as receiving from the MAIN SOURCE of love: ME!

It hit me hard this morning that we people are very similar to Toby and Simon...we can look to other things, or even other people to give us strokes, words of encouragement, love and comfort, and they can provide a certain amount; however, the ULTIMATE source of love, the one that will fill us completely to overflowing is the MASTER HIMSELF: God. It's only when we come running to Him, cry out to Him for His perfect love to fill us up can we be fully satisfied. Those other sources, if looked to as substitutes for time spent with God, will only disappoint, because they don't KNOW us like God knows us; they can't love us like God loves us; they cannot satisfy as only God can satisfy. I love my cats for giving me these tangible spiritual lessons and reminders!!!

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