Wednesday, May 16, 2007

More thoughts on Love

Lots of thoughts on love these days....maybe because it's Spring, and there's lots of "love" in the air. But this is a challenging blog for me because I have some pretty "strong" thoughts about love.

My first example, obviously has to be Jesus and how He loved. His love was unconditional and completely sacrificial! We hardly ever hear Him speaking the words "I love you" or "I love him/her." We see Him loving His Father, by spending time with Him, and others by tangibly, practically, and sacrificially giving of Himself and His time to them. It was the love of the Father flowing through Him, but He let it flow.

We often hear people say, "I love you", or "I love him/her"....and sometimes there is no corresponding action. Are these then just empty words, spoken flippantly? Maybe in that person's heart there is the feeling of love for that other person or those people, but when actions don't follow, is it the love we see in the Scriptures? Ok, I realize we are human and fail miserably at loving others, and there are many factors which prohibit us from loving as Jesus loved, but I wonder if we shouldn't be more careful with those three little words?

I believe it is very difficult to love biblically. I believe it is easy to love or to say "I love you" when it doesn't cost me/us anything...time, energy, and other things. If someone tells me "Oh, I love her/him so much!" and there is no corresponding action, or any action at all, I have to wonder from where is that love flowing? Now I, on the other hand, when I am the recipient of those words without action, am called, biblically, to love unconditionally. It's kind of the "Judas kiss" love that Jesus had to extend to the one He loved deeply and unconditionally, but from whom He received betrayal. The only way He could do that was because He was plugged in to His Father's unconditional love. So, we're back to my previous blog.

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