Friday, January 07, 2005

Impossible love

ceo for the kids

Yesterday, I made my weekly visit to see "my kids" at the children's home. I was excited to see them since we'd not met for nearly 3 weeks! Tony, my favorite gypsy boy, was just drying off his hair with a towel when I came upstairs to the "older kids'" floor and greeted me with a joyful "Boldog Uj Evet, Arden!" (Happy New Year!) and the traditional Hungarian kisses on the cheeks. Tony gets so excited about successes in his life and he begins to rattle them off in such fast Hungarian that it takes all of my concentration to understand just the gist of what he is telling me! Shortly thereafter, other boys came along with similar new year's wishes and plenty of cheek kisses and we slowly caught up on each others' holidays. As I made my way to the other areas of the children's home, I met, once again, some of the "new boys".....the "special boys". My heart was breaking for a couple of them who are mentally challenged and want so much to talk with me, but I simply cannot understand their Hungarian through their slurred speech. It's difficult enough for me to decipher the teenage slang that most of them use, much less these kids. I got to wondering if they have anyone to talk to; anyone who can understand them. Again, my heart was breaking, but the Lord gently reminded me today of two very important lessons I must remember: first, they have HIM to talk to and He understands perfectly. "Yes, Lord, but how can they know you if no one tells them about You? And for me, it is impossible to love them in this way!" Then God taught me the second lesson: "You are called to pray for them; THIS is a great love which you show for them when you lift them up before me!" So, I pray for F., the pyromaniac, T. the battered and abused angry boy, and M. the questioner who needs help with "boundaries." Nothing is impossible with God!

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