Saturday, January 15, 2005

Dads and kids

ceo for the kids
I love watching dads with their kids. While waiting for the bus this morning, I was watching a dad with his little girl as they played "hide-and-go-seek" on the playground in front of me. The silly smile which plastered my face was, I'm sure, noticed by many as I simply couldn't help but smile broadly, and nearly laugh out loud seeing this dad so attentive to his daughter. I sensed a "safety" between them, that even though for about a minute, one had no idea where the other one was, they would be reunited and "alone no more." How often do we feel like God is hiding from us, or more likely, do we try to hide from Him? We cannot, because He is continually seeking to know us and be in relationship with us; and, unlike the dad with his daughter in the park, God does not run and hide. We are the ones running from Him while He is always right there, seeking us out. The loving care of the Father, who never loses sight of His precious daughter or son: this is something about which to smile!

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