Monday, October 25, 2010


Life is simply full of transitions, isn't it? Clearly, this is how God intended it to be, that we would forever be in the process of change, growth, moving from one level of maturity to the next, all the while growing in increasing trust in Him as the perfect Father.

It doesn't matter how perfect your earthly father is or may have been (or how imperfect) because God the Father is so far beyond any father we could begin to imagine when it comes to love, goodness, mercy, grace, true justice, peace, kindness...the list goes on. Our filters are sometimes (most of the time) so clogged up that we easily fall into the cycle of forgetting what our heavenly Father is really like and begin to project our own images upon Him, thus bringing ourselves into valleys of doubt and unbelief, leading to mistrust and finally self-preservation.

What do transitions do? Throughout Scripture, God brings people to points of transition, where they are asked if they are willing to go here or there, say this or that, do this or that, be this or that. Because the Father will never over-ride a human will, we have choice...we can walk into His transitions full of hope and trust, knowing that our Daddy has our very best in mind, along with His ultimate glory, or we can ignore His voice, continue on our own merry way and miss out. His love for us never changes, and He continues to delight in us because we are His kids! However, I can imagine that His heart is grieved in some ways because He sees the big picture, He sees the end result, He sees the finished tapestry.

As I move into yet another season of personal transition, I have been faced with my own severe short-comings, my own idols of self-preservation, my own "issues" and the Lord, in His grace and mercy, has been patient with me, and has stuck with me, persevering because He knows what is BEST for me. I am SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO excited about this next transition because His goodness, love, grace and mercy is ALL over it, and through it, the Kingdom is going to move forward with power like never before! More to come....