Monday, October 11, 2010

The law of sowing and reaping

I simply couldn't stand it any longer. The harvest of pumpkins from my garden has been bountiful this year. In fact, I received a harvest of 18 large pumpkins, and today was the day to determine from exactly how many seeds those 18 pumpkins grew.

Back in the spring, I planted 4 pumpkin seeds at the suggestion of my wise father, who said I didn't need many. Today, I learned for a fact, as I was yanking the dead vines out of the garden that only 1 of them actually germinated. ONE. ONE!!!

From ONE seed grew EIGHTEEN pumpkins! I'm not very math-savvy, but I think that is an 1800% return. The reality of sowing and reaping, especially reflected in Jesus' parable of the the seeds, has been lived out in my backyard this year!!!

You see, Jesus talks about FOUR seeds. Hmmm.....I planted 4 seeds. In His story, the first fell on the ground and the birds immediately came along and ate it up. The second fell on rocky soil, sprang up and yet had no root...and thus produced no fruit. The third fell amongst the weeds, which grew up and choked the seed off. Only the fourth seed took root and germinated, producing much from little.

God still floors me as He graces me with real-live tangible pictures in the natural of these biblical truths. So, not only do I have pumpkin 'stored away' in my freezer for pies, muffins, cookies and soups, but I have given away pumpkins as well. Isn't that how it should be in the Kingdom? :-)


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