Wednesday, August 04, 2010

More God tweaking

There's nothing like editing your own writing to help you recognize how deep-seated perfectionism resides in the heart. Even more revealing is when you realize that you forgot to edit something very important before giving it to someone. Yikes!

So, I'm beating myself up a bit tonight as that perfectionist streak comes raging to the surface once again, and at the same time, hoping that I can have a second chance to edit one more time.

I'm learning the ways of the Lord in how He deals with us. As I edited chapters, and each one was finally "complete", I began to sense things coming together. Then, just when I thought everything was completed and ready, bang, I realize another onion layer needs to be peeled off. It's not yet perfect. I'm not yet perfect. This writing venture has shown me that even when the final product is completed, I am sure I will read through and say, "Boy, wish I would have worded that differently!"

Perfection comes when we cross over from here to there, from the temporal to the eternal. Until then, God's tweakings will continue, and He truly is the perfect "editor".

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