Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Sleep Reading

Ok, we've all heard of sleep walking and sleep talking...but sleep reading???? Well, guess what? It exists!

My friend, Dori, has been staying with me for the past couple of weeks. Last night, I turned in to bed about 9:30 and was reading my book, as I usually do. I got sleepy and closed my book, put it on the floor, looked at my alarm clock and saw it was 10 p.m. I was sooooooo excited to be going to sleep so early! I turned off the light and curled up with my cat.

Well, this morning, Dori asked me if I had a tough time sleeping last night. Why? I asked her...."Well, because when I got up to go to the toilet at 12:30 a.m., your light was on; so I went up the stairs and there you were, sitting up straight in your bed with your arms outstretched and a book in them. Your eyes were closed, so I thought maybe you were praying."

I thought she was totally kidding!!! I have absolutely NO recollection of this "sleep-reading" incident! I did wonder why my back was a bit sore this morning when I woke up...must have been sitting up and reading in my sleep! Anyone else out there ever slept-read?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If only that worked for studying...