Thursday, October 09, 2008


The huge "fish soup" pot on the bank of the Tisza River! It's nearly the size of that small car!

Yep, they actually cook a HUGE pot of fish soup in this!

In the late summer, early fall, here in Szeged, they have a big fish soup festival! They close the road which runs next to the river, and all kinds of stands are set up with various people selling their versions of fish soup, as well as other wonderful foods! It's a big, fun party for families and friends!

As I was walking a few weeks ago, I was crossing the bridge and saw that they had not yet removed the largest of the fish soup pots from the bank of the river. It's pictured above, and made me think about how many people could actually be fed with the soup cooked in this huge pot! Then I got to thinking about God's endless supply of food for us...not just physical, but even more importantly, spiritual food! He is infinitely able to provide ALL we need, but do we go and drink deeply and eat deeply from Him? Or do we at times...I know I do....look to other sources for my "food" and satisfaction?

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