Friday, October 17, 2008

A good reminder....

Stopping in the NOW to see the light cascading through the trees onto the fall leaves, and relishing this moment!

I'm sure all of us have heard this time and again, but it bears repeating:

"Wherever you are, BE there 100%!" (unknown)

This truth hit me really hard yesterday, again, as I spent time praying with a dear, dear friend and fellow missionary, via skype no less! We talked for about 40 minutes and then began praying, and through prayer, God set both of us free and for me, reminded me of the above statement. It's very easy for me either to live in the past (either in the muck or the glory), or focus so much on the future that I completely forget BEING right here, where I am 100%...consequently, I miss out on all that God wants to do both in me and through me.

Lord, the past is finished...nothing can be changed; Lord, You control the future, and only YOU know it fully, completely, and I release it into Your ever so perfect hands; Finally, Lord, help me to live in the NOW, 100%, focusing on today and ALL that You will bring my way!

1 comment:

jhjumper said...

Arden, thank you for writing this. I am constantly in need of reminding that we live in the present - all of life is lived now, not later and not before. I hope you are well! I think of our time in in Szeged often and am still amazed at how God used a chance meeting on a bus to make such a big difference in me.