Friday, June 27, 2008

End of the school year banquets

Students and teachers before the meal!

Ah, final exams are finished!

Celebration time!

Very smart and wonderful young adults!

Lovely women!

Even after 8 years of teaching here, I never tire of senior banquets! Each senior class (groups of about 35 students make up one senior class) invites all their teachers to a final banquet dinner at a nice restaurant in town. These are special evenings for teachers and students alike as we get time to talk about the past four years and move beyond the teacher/student to a more "personal" connection.

This particular class, my 12B class, was a great group. I taught 1/2 of them for 4 years and all of them for 3 years. Great students, for the most part, and interestingly, a number of them want to become teachers, so that says a lot about all the teachers they had during their high school years! I'll miss you all, but please keep in touch!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That's a neat tradition.