Friday, January 18, 2008

Wise counsel

I'm learning much these days about seeking God and God's counsel. Indeed, He is THE best counselor, teacher, friend, companion, healer, etc. He should be our very first resort in all situations and circumstances. He should be sought above all, desired above all, loved above all, trusted in above all and hoped in above all. In fact, Scripture teaches that to trust in men (or women) is foolishness. Yet, Scripture also teaches that there is wisdom in seeking wise, godly counsel.

What I am learning is that there are various kinds of people: there are those who will jump at any chance to give counsel (not my kind of people to seek out); there are those who will pray about giving counsel, and then give it IF God gives them the go-ahead (more my kind of people); and then there are those who refuse to give counsel because they believe that only God should be sought for counsel.

My conclusion is this: I must first seek God's counsel; second, I must ask Him if I need to seek the counsel of others; IF He says 'yes', then I must ask Him to direct me to those from whom I should seek counsel. I used to think it was obvious from whom I should seek counsel---those who are running hard after God and know me well---- but now I realize that in each "counsel-seeking" situation, one must ask for God's direction as to whom one must ask for counsel.

1 comment:

revtom said...

good post... important words indeed... let us seek those who dwell in the word as our advisors... let us seek those who have soaked in His word before they give us any of their own... and may they - the advisors - be so steeped in the word that they are the instruments of He who inspired the word, the Holy Spirit...