Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Musings on snow-melt

The snow has melted here in Szeged, and in my back yard, its disappearance has left a huge "mud-hole". Interesting to see in the "natural" what can happen in the "spiritual" as well...something beautiful can deteriorate into something messy, quite ugly and something you want to avoid. Yet, in just a couple of months, once the temperatures rise and the sun shines more frequently, that "muddy-mess" will be transformed into a thing of beauty: lush, green grass! Many things can lead to the deterioration of something beautiful in the spiritual realm: sin, disobedience, the enemy getting a foot-hold, or simply neglect. The only thing that can restore, though, is the blood of Jesus, His grace, mercy, and willing hearts that will walk by faith, trusting in Him alone to turn a muddy mess into a thing of beauty!

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