Sunday, March 25, 2007

Women of Destiny

Saturday morning, three of the girls from one of my Bible studies and I drove to Budapest to take part in a one day women's conference called "Women of Destiny". Carol Maiden and Mary Jill Callery, my dear friend, were tag-teaming on the teaching, the theme of which was "Oil and Fire" based on Matthew 25 and the parable of the ten virgins. Prazsak Laci and his wife Csilla and their worship team led the worship time...this was a real treat for me to meet them in person because they spent one month in Kansas City at the International House of Prayer, and now, they are working on starting an IHOP in Budapest!

The conference was well worth the trip for me, and for my girls...we had sweet time in the car on the way up, and they got some sleep on the way home, as you can see! Fun to have a multi-national group...American, Hungarian, Norwegian and Swedish....joining a multi-national conference, with people from a wide variety of churches, together as the body of Christ, open to the fresh oil that the Lord wants to pour out on His people!

Richard and Carol Maiden have ministered all over the world, and have two main bases, Phoenix, AZ and Budapest, Hungary. They are blessed servants of the King who continue, even in their "retirement years" to go to the nations with the Gospel! May blessings be showered upon them and upon all who were there yesterday...and may ALL that God did in individual hearts bear MUCH fruit for His Kingdom!

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