Monday, March 12, 2007

The whole earth.....

Pruners did some major work last year on the trees in our back yard area of our downtown building. We have probably 1/3 of the trees we did last year, but as I sit in my kitchen this morning and listen to the birds twittering and chatting with one another and gaze out at the remaining trees and greenery, I'm struck by one tree that was left. It's is gloriously in bloom with thousands of small, white blossoms! It's the only tree left out there with flowering blossoms, and they are white, the symbol of purity!

God reminded me this morning that the shed blood of Jesus on the cross washes us whiter than snow, whiter than these gorgeous tree blossoms. I find it interesting, maybe even ironic, that the sole tree outside my window is this one...God's gentle reminder of His never-ending, undying love for me and for this nation...and the world?

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