Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Travelling light

You would think after having lived overseas and travelled so much to so many different destinations that I would have the packing thing down to a science. Well, on our trip to Ukraine, I travelled like, well, like a tourist...and in the process, decided that I would NOT let that happen again. I'm not quite sure how it happened; I sort of knew what to expect, what kinds of clothes we would need, etc., but it seemed like the bag just kept getting more and more full. Til finally, I had so much stuff, that I needed help carrying it all...

Isn't it funny how life is sometimes like that; we can at times let stuff accumulate, thinking that "this is a necessity" or "that is essential", when in reality, God is saying, "Let it all go! Seek Me and I will show you what is necessary and essential, and that burden is light!"

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