Sunday, February 25, 2007

Gypsy church

They'd cleaned up the public pathway leading to the entrance of the one room church, so that we didn't have to step on broken bottles and animal excrement. The room holds about 50 people, maybe, and on the walls are pictures of church life! We had the privilege of meeting with the women in the church. As we came in and I tried to strike up conversations in Hungarian with some of the younger girls, I learned a lot. One 16-year old has a 2 year old child and one on the way. Another 15 year old is pregnant with her first child. It's a church of many generations as we had what seemed to be about a 3 or 4 year old up to an 80 year old woman! Their openness to the message of "Forgiveness sets the forgiver free" was astounding! As personal ministry took place, God gave me the ability to come up with simple songs, in Hungarian, that we could all worship God with together...He's always so good to provide! We could have stayed all night, and these women probably would have too. It's always so interesting how you think you are going to bless, but you come away BEING blessed by them!

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