Sunday, August 20, 2006

The Island of Singleness

Only some of you will be able to relate to what I'm writing about, but I sense the need to "get it out there" so that those of you who may not be able to relate, will at least have a taste of this place where some of us find ourselves from time to time.

I call this place "the island of singleness". When you think of an island, a number of things probably come to mind. Beautiful sandy beaches, trails leading up to fruit-laden trees, the gentle pounding of the surf on the sand, sunshine, peacefulness, endless blue sky, coves and inlets perfect for swimming or snorkeling...indeed, these are typical island images.

Now, for a minute, imagine yourself on that island. Are you alone? For many, you would answer, "No, of course not! I'm there with friends or family or a significant other."

Well, just imagine being on that island totally alone. Again, some of you are saying, "That would be FANTASTIC! I would LOVE that! I would WELCOME that!"

But what if you spent a good deal of your time alone on that island, and that island was within ear shot and eye shot of other similar islands, where there were others, not alone, on their islands. They are laughing, enjoying each others' company, sometimes arguing, but then making up, doing things together and basically in community.

And there you are, on your island, alone. It was fun the first time; lots of reading, lots of playing in the surf, sleeping on the beach, eating all you want with no one to have to share the last coconut with. But then, you find that almost weekly, you are "relegated" to this island, always within earshot and eyeshot of the other islands. And then it's not once a week, but numerous days during the week. You hear the others talk about going to their islands and all the fun they are going to have...and you know you are heading to yours. Oh, you invite others to your island, but they already have their islands and their plans for their island time.

It's a powerful picture, which, as I've said, not many can begin to relate to, but I share it with you to encourage you to pray for those you know who are single, who may sometimes find themselves on the Island of Singleness when they would much rather be on the island of family, or the island of friends, or even sharing their island with family or friends.

"And the Lord God saw that it was not good for (a person) to be alone."

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