Saturday, August 12, 2006

"For now we see in a mirror dimly, but then face to face. Now I know in part, but then I shall know, just as I also am known." (I Cor. 13:12)

I got the above picture blown up to hang on my wall in Hungary upon my return there at the end of this month. I asked the woman at Wal-Mart if she could tell which was the real "mountain" and which was the reflection....she looked at it for about 30 seconds, when a colleague approached and said after about 3 seconds, "that's the reflection!"

30 seconds verses 3 seconds. I so want to reflect the likeness of Jesus Christ that it takes no more than 3 seconds for people to see Jesus in and through me. Why? Because I have tasted deeply of the love and passion of God for me, and I long with everything within me for others to know that same passion and love that He longs to pour into their hearts. There is nothing more precious, and as He continues to refine me in His fire, He will pull me out when I am a perfect reflection of Himself...and then I will see Him face to face!

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