Thursday, August 31, 2006

Back in Hungary

Coming back to Hungary after a 3 month sabbatical has had its ups and downs.

Things I forgot about: smells....seems they are more marked here than in the U.S. Drivers: they are extremely aggressive, wow! Roads: full of "obstacles" cannot doze off for long because you'll surely be awakened by a pothole. People walking on the streets, or rather sidewalks....just seeing people outside is fantastic!!!!! GREAT food!!! How difficult it is for people to make ends meet here...and that only grows increasingly difficult.

Things I remembered and am thankful for: people who, when we get together, want to talk for longer than a quick 10 minutes. Dear friends! Hungarian honesty!!! My wonderful neighbor and friends who took care of my cats for 3 months!!! Amazingly, LANGUAGE!!! It's coming back very quickly! Last but not least: my cats, Toby and Simon, who were only angry for a few hours that I'd left them for 3 months.

Things I miss in the States: friends and family. Understanding everyone when they speak, almost perfectly, except in the deep South, where concentration is a must!

I'm so blessed.

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