Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Pride, Confession, Repentance

God gives grace to the humble. GOD gives grace to the humble. God GIVES grace to the humble. God gives GRACE to the humble. God gives grace to the HUMBLE.

God opposes the arrogant. GOD opposes the arrogant. God OPPOSES the arrogant. God opposes the ARROGANT.

GOD gives GRACE to the HUMBLE.

As a follower of Jesus, one can only live in pride and arrogance for so long before it all comes crashing down, because God WILL oppose that person. He will not allow mixture, and if there is found to be mixture, it's by His GRACE that it is brought out into the open and into the light for His healing to take place. Because His heart is FOR us and not against us, it's His mercy that exposes, His mercy that brings us to repentance, and His mercy that heals.

Lest we think God doesn't take humility and non-mixture seriously, have a look at Moses. What a resume! Called to lead a people out of bondage and into freedom. In the process, Moses allowed a hint of mixture...his own human zeal in striking the rock rather than speaking to the rock as God had commanded...and with that mixture, he forsook his own entry into the promised land. There are indeed consequences to mixture. Did God's people remain God's people? Was Moses still loved by God? Did God raise up other leaders (none of whom was perfect mind you)? Yes to all of these questions...because God is a loving and gracious God who is in the business of purifying His Bride for His return.

Pride is subtle. It can creep in and even under the guise of humility reveal that which can become mixture.

God is so good in His grace and mercy to bring to light pride and arrogance and the fruit of it so that it can be plucked, dug up, uprooted, and a tree of humility, planted by God's grace, can be planted instead. Father, grant me the humility to see the areas in my life where arrogance and pride have crept in, creating mixture, causing bad fruit to grow; then give me the grace to allow You to uproot it and plant a new tree of Your grace. Amen and amen.

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