Monday, September 19, 2011

Happy 12-year celebration to IHOP - 24/7 prayer and worship

I am at home streaming the 12-year celebration of 24/7 prayer and worship here at the International House of Prayer. (Of course I would love to be there in person, but I've been ill the past week and am trying to kick this illness).

12 years of 24/7 and growing. As I watch the web-stream and see the faces of those leading worship today, I see humility.



That has been my experience during my 2+ years of being a part of this missions community. I think that's what prayer does to a heart...causes the humility of Jesus to come alive in it. When Jesus is lifted up and exalted and He becomes and remains the center of everything a 'mission' is about, then the fruit that emerges is good, and one of those fruits is humility.

I'm sure behind the scenes there are probably stories of those who jockey for position, but as I was sharing with a friend today, I'm blown away by the fact that there are tremendous leaders in the body of Christ who have chosen to come under the umbrella of IHOP when they themselves could be heads of their own missions movements. There is a humility amongst these "big-name" individuals that boggles the mind sometimes.

So, as IHOP celebrates 12 years of night and day prayer and worship, I say "Happy Birthday" and "well-done, good and faithful servants." May Jesus continue to be the center, the focus, the only one who receives honor and glory, and may those of us blessed enough to be a part of this community in whatever form lead the way in that which is the most significant posture in the Kingdom of God:


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