Sunday, November 21, 2010

Quick recap of trip to central europe

Bea, Arden, Bela, Dori, Regina and Eszter in the Szoreg "Tent of Meeting"!

Pizza party with former English teacher colleagues in Szeged, Hungary!

Worshipping together in the Budapest, Hungary Prayer Room!

This blog entry will be very quick...mainly because I am sooooooooo tired and am heading off for my first nap of the day after travelling 19 hours yesterday and the day before...well, whenever it was that I actually left Hungary! ha!

God sooooooooooooo blessed my time in both Hungary and Ukraine! I realized early on that going for 10 days was far too short a time as I did not get to see many friends (you tend to build a lot of friendships when you stay someplace for 11 years!), and even those I saw, the few hours we got together flew by! That said, the Lord really blessed the time and both meeting friends and being blessed with numerous opportunities to minister to and pray for people made this trip an absolute BLAST!

Thank you, from the bottom of my heart, to everyone who made the trip possible! My faithful supporters, my wonderful friends in Hungary and Romania who hosted, housed and fed me, and my friends in KC who looked after my cats and house!

I am especially excited to see how God waters His seeds planted in both Romania and in Hungary, specifically in Szeged and Szoreg, and in the Budapest Prayer Room and their ministry school! Please pray that God would continue to water and grow all those seeds!

I received soooooooooo much love and encouragement from individuals and had so much fun catching up with people! I was able to give away lots of my books (Walking Forward-Discoveries in Freedom and Forgiveness), as well as Adoration Prayer Books (by Bob Hartley) and Pure Heart (by Tom and Donna Cole). Again, pray these tools will be used by the Father to bring people into His heart of love!

More pictures to come I'm off to bed for my first nap of the "day-after travel!"

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