Saturday, September 04, 2010

Creative ideas for Kingdom work

Do you know who is one of the biggest (if not THE biggest) contributors to helping orphans world-wide? I didn't...til the other night when I learned who it is.

The founder of Chik-fil-a!

Yes, the owner of the fast-food chain, which is closed on Sundays, is a self-sustaining missionary who gives more to helping alleviate the plight of orphans than anyone...and not only gives but goes himself!

Why am I blogging about this? Well, everyone out there knows how challenging things are economically, and most of my missionary friends and I are experiencing the crunch of the economy as well. I attended a meeting this past week where I learned about the owner of Chick-fil-a and how all of that came about.

You see, he had a passion: his passion was to minister to orphans. So, he went to the Lord and cried out: "God, you know that ministering to orphans is my passion!!! Show me how to do this! Give me Your idea!"

As the story goes, the Lord responded something like this: Chicken sandwich.

And so was birthed this booming business, through which this man is able to fufill his God-given passion to help orphans world-wide!

Why do I blog about this? Because I have passions for the Kingdom...fighting human trafficking, planting houses of prayer across the globe, ministering to people in inner healing so that they can walk increasingly free in their relationships with God, orphans. So, I am asking God: "Give me Your idea(s) as to how to see these passions come to fruition!"

I know He is going to do it, because all these passions are on His heart as well!

First, I hope and pray that my first book, Walking Forward - Discoveries in Freedom and Forgiveness becomes a BEST SELLER and is translated to many different languages! I don't want this for my sake, but for the furtherance of God's Kingdom work world-wide and the passions He's placed in my heart for His glory!

Second, I hope and pray I will receive even more responses to my questions for the book idea the Lord gave me called "The Senders"....and that it too becomes a best seller...again, for the finances to flow into the work for the Kingdom!

Third, I am praying about some other creative ideas for financing Kingdom work! Father, give us all YOUR ideas, that Your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven!

1 comment:

Dana Butler said...

COOL to hear about the chick-fil-a guy! i knew he was a believer but didn't know all those details. AWESOME!