Thursday, March 04, 2010

Sabbatical reflections

I took some friends to the airport here in KC a few weeks ago and we had a super talk on the way there about many things. One topic was sabbatical, which I've really "struggled" with in some ways, but am gaining clarity, and which this conversation with these friends helped to put into perspective.

They said it takes about 6 months just to slow down, unwind and get out of "go, go, go ministry-mode"; then you begin to realize, "Hm, how DO I rest?" That process can take some months as well. This is where I am in the process of "doing sabbatical." I'm trying to figure out how to rest. I realize this sounds really funny, but it is challenging for me.

In the last two weeks, I've been SO tired; I've taken many naps (no I am not feeling down or depressed) because of genuine tired-ness. I met a friend on Tuesday and she said, "Arden, you look exhausted." This after 7 months of supposed "sabbatical rest".

For anyone out there who, like me, doesn't understand the need for missionaries on the foreign mission field to take a sabbatical, please take it from me: they NEED it and they NEED your full, committed support in every way possible during that time, physically, emotionally, spiritually, and financially. Encourage them to do things they have ALWAYS wanted to do that are relaxing and completely "other" than what they have been pouring their lives into on the mission field. Encourage them to nap, a lot, and give them lots of grace! Also, remember that the 7th year sabbatical is biblical. :-)

Blessings on all of you who have faithfully stood by me in all the ways listed above during this time! I have 4 more months of sabbatical, and it is going by WAY too fast!

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