Saturday, March 20, 2010

1000th post....

I just recognized that the PREVIOUS post was my 1000th post! How fitting to have baby pictures cap off 1000 blog entries; completely unplanned, mind you!

Now to post 1001: it's snowing in Kansas City! We are expecting up to 8-12 inches of snow today...yesterday, I was sitting out on my front porch in shorts and a sleeveless t-shirt taking in some Vitamin D. Now I'm looking out at my back deck at 4 inches of snow on my furniture and more coming down.

Clearly this is a perfect picture of the work the Lord can do in someone's life...radical change can take place quite literally overnight, bringing dramatic change and complete transformation! It's what the Lord did in my life in May, 2005 on a Friday morning in Szeged, Hungary with a group of folks and I worshiping in my flat. Quite literally, from one moment to the next, God the Father sent God the Holy Spirit in a powerful way to fill me and completely transform my entire life! Unexpected? Yes. Welcomed? You bet! I remember saying over and over again that whole year and even since then: I do not want to go back to Egypt!

Oh, life was ok in Egypt...I had food, friends, a place to live, meaningful work, family,and even a relationship with God, etc.; but the reality of Egypt is that I was a slave. Some may ask: a slave to what or whom? Easy answers: myself and my life of religiosity...a slave to the religious spirit, that same spirit which is clearly highlighted in the New Testament; that spirit which put parameters on Jesus and had God defined, theologized, and neatly confined to the intellect with a smattering of seemingly life-like qualities seen in many good works and religious activities.

That precious day in May, a 1000 pound weight lifted off my heart, mind, soul and body and LIFE poured's very challenging to explain. Since then, God continues to humble me, strip off the religiousness, expose those hidden religious spirits still creeping around inside of me, and set me free in Himself to be what He originally designed me to be: His precious daughter!

So, I think I might just go run around in the snow for a while and be lavished in His love for me today and enjoy life in this promised land before His return and life in THE Promised Land! He's soooooooooooooo good!

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