Saturday, April 19, 2008

ICF - Open Microphone Night!

Csilla and Eszter sing a traditional Hungarian Christmas carol!

Erin Barrett came from Budapest and blessed us with her voice!

Erin accompanies Tiana Person as she sings "Lord Reign in Me".

Cathy Williamson sings "El Shaddai".

ICF-ers getting ready for Sara's fun, all-inclusive Swedish song about frogs with no ears and tails!

What a FUN evening we had at ICF this past Friday! It was "Open Mic Night" and about 15 of us demonstrated various talents from drama to singing to dancing to making animal balloons to group activities! It was GREAT relationship building time as people learned a lot about other people's and nation's talents, interests, and skills.


Laci and Keri NĂ©meth said...

Cathy Williamson??????
Her before divorce name? or she remarried? sorry.... I have no idea

Unknown said... it important?