Monday, August 20, 2007

Vac visit

I have friends in Vac who are also with CEO. ( The Coppages and I have known each other for years, travelled to Hungary together, and now live in this special country, albeit 3 hours away from one another by train. This was my first trip to Vac, a town which I'd heard a LOT about from my friend Carol, who went into the maximum security prison there and did Bible studies with English speaking prisoners, leading all of them to the Lord! It's a beautiful town on the bank of the Duna (Danube River) as the pictures above show. As Lea and I walked and prayed around the city, we came to the entrance of the prison and this new sculpture stands outside the definitely makes one stop and the midst of any imprisonment, prisoners can be free through a relationship with the One who has set them free via the cross, Jesus Christ! Powerful.

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