Sunday, October 22, 2006

Cutting grass and painting doors

As a teacher, I often have to wait years to "see results" in students' lives. Of course it is worth the wait, but sometimes I just need to see immediate results! That's when I find fun projects to do! Saturday, I went to a friend's house and had a blast cutting grass and painting an ugly green door! The grass was not too long, but afterwards it looked great! The ugly green door was really ugly. I put two coats of white paint on it, and the entire door and wall area where it is located was transformed!!!

Seeing these two "transformations", one not so radical, (the grass), and the other, shockingly (in a good way) transformed, (the door), reminded me of how God works in our lives. Sometimes, His work is subtle; He changes us and it's noticeable, but not earth-shattering! Other times, He does MAJOR work, and the transformation can be seen by all, at first glance, because He's done so much work in us!!!

May we always be open to the way that GOD wants to transform us, and may we never limit Him in what He wants to do both in and through us!

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