Saturday, July 30, 2005

More swimming theology

ceo for the kids
I really do love swimming, now; didn't like it much before, but I feel so good afterwards, that I'm growing to love it. Last night as I was doing my typical 1000 meters under the stars of Szeged, I believe the Lord impressed on my heart yet more truth. The pool where I swim is used for waterpolo matches in addition to normal lap swimming. My doctor told me I'm only allowed to swim backstroke, so as I make my way across the pool on my back, I must of course be mindful of where the end of the pool is. There are nets which are pulled across wires for the waterpolo matches, and during lap swimming the nets are pulled to the side, but the wires remain. I've figured out that when I see the wire above me, near the end of the pool, I have exactly 10 backstrokes to swim before I need to turn and touch the wall. During the daytime, these wires are easy to see, thus concentration is at a minimum because it's all "in the light" and I can easily see the wire and begin my count to 10 so that I don't slam into the wall. However, I usually swim in the evening, which turns to night; and even though there are lights over the pool, in the darkness, the wires are increasingly difficult to see. As the natural light fades, I find I must concentrate all the more "in the darkness" to see the wire above. If I miss seeing it, I grow very leery of what awaits....a slammed hand against the wall, which is not fun. Add to the mix foggy goggles, and I have a challenging situation on my hands. Last night as I swam, I began to consider what a beautiful picture this little slice of swimming pool is of life with the Lord. We are allowed to swim along freely, but we must concentrate, not on life, but on the wire, on the Lord, for HE is the focus of our lives. When we have Him as the focal point, He can keep us on the path He has set out for us, and keep us from slamming into the wall, needlessly. Sometimes, in the darkness, we have to concentrate all the more on Him and His truth; when we do, and we SEE HIM, we can boldly swim those last 10 strokes to the finish line of whatever He's called us to at that moment.

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