Saturday, July 30, 2005

Church should be more like a pub!

ceo for the kids
Oh boy, I'm sure I'll hear some responses to this one!!! Why do I think church should be more like a pub? I'll explain. I live in the heart of downtown Szeged, Hungary. As I walk out the door of my building and turn left, within 20 steps, there is a pub on my left, which I've been in only once (to look for a stray bus driver who had parked in front of our door's driveway). However, every time I go by the pub, I glance to my left to check it out. It's usually open every day, even Sundays, from early in the morning til late at night. Since I walk past this pub nearly every day, I've been thinking a lot about the significance of it, and I've been watching people come and go; so here are my observations as to why I think church should be more like a pub. First, it's open a lot! Second, the proprietor welcomes everyone! Third, everyone who goes there feels welcome! Fourth, everyone greets each other and says goodbye when they leave! Fifth, people are having "felt needs" met (by no means am I advocating alcohol consumption, but rather stating that they are looking for something, and believe they are finding it there!) Sixth, they are being "filled up". Seventh, they are finding accepting, non-judgemental fellowship and friendship. Eighth, people want to go there. Ninth, both families and singles are welcome...I even see little kids in there sometimes. Tenth, there is laughter and "good" music. Ok, ok, I know this is a stretch, but if we were to "spiritualize" all ten of the above reasons, it would be easy to see, I think, why church should be more like a pub! First, church should be open a lot. Second, people working there should welcome everyone! Third, everyone who comes in should feel welcome. Fourth, everyone should make an effort to greet those who come in and say goodbye to those who are leaving. Fifth, "felt needs" should be met....first by the Lord, but also practically speaking. Sixth, people should be "filled up" with the Gospel. Seventh, people should receive non-judgemental acceptance and love and friendship from everyone. Eighth, people should want to go to church! Ninth, ALL should be welcomed, from the old to the young, married to singles. Tenth, there should be laughter and joy in the Lord, and worship music!!!! Of course I await your comments on my Pub theology.

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