Thursday, March 24, 2005

Loss of a friend

As I type this, friends in Charlottesville are waking up to a new day, but one during which there will be much grieving. Hundreds of people have lost a dear, dear friend, who went home to be with the Lord on Tuesday at the "young" age of 47. I've written about grieving here in Hungary before, but this time it is a bit different. I'm not quite sure why, but I believe that the Lord is giving me more and more of His grace to "grieve from a distance," not an easy thing to do, but something that is stretching me tremendously. Today, I'm longing for the community of believers who will gather to celebrate this friend's life; I'm longing to cry with them, to laugh with them, just to "feel a part of things." It's challenging to have "closure" from a distance, and yet in the midst of all these "human" challenges, I'm meeting the Lord in ways I never thought possible. I was literally walking down the street yesterday afternoon after having wept bitterly most of the morning, and my heart was so light and full of peace and joy. I asked the Lord about it, feeling a bit "guilty" for having this peace and joy amidst the pain of losing a dear friend, and I believe that the Lord reminded me that Ellen is now rejoicing and is at peace, and is seeing her Savior and Lord face to face. THIS gives us every reason to know and sense God's peace and joy. Our human loss is immense; but when we heed the Psalmist's admonition to "Be still and know that I am God," (Psalm 46:10), we can rest in His loving grace, which carries us through the grief and into His presence in new ways. I've "lost" a friend on this earth, but through it all, I'm gaining a new intimacy with Jesus....this is what Ellen would want anyway! Glory to God this Easter season which she is celebrating with the Lord Himself!

ceo for the kids

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