Wednesday, March 02, 2005

"I want to die!"

ceo for the kids
I tutor a young lady, 16 years old, at school who, over 2 years ago suffered a stroke and has diabetes. She insists on coming to school, is very intelligent, but sometimes lazy like every typical teenager. She has a visible limp and shakes as a result of her health issues, so she is "different". Here in Hungary, for years, the disabled were "put away", and now that they are more evident in public life, not everybody knows how to handle them. Yesterday, armed with my wonderful lesson to teach her, I walked with her into the library, where we sat down and she began to weep. After about 2 minutes of not being able to say anything, she looked at me and said, "I want to die!" Of course I'd been praying, but now I was REALLY praying, "Lord, give me YOUR words to say to this young girl." She proceeded to tell me how she has no friends and no one likes her and she is ugly and ill and she just wants to die. I listened and prayed, and then gently talked with her. I shared my struggles with her when I was 16; I told her that many, many others also feel like they have no friends and are "ugly" and are "ill"; but their illnesses are on the inside. I also shared with her the ONE friend who will never leave her no matter what: Jesus. Right now, she doesn't believe God loves her; I can understand her feelings. I pray the love letter that God has written to us will touch her heart deeply, in addition to the Holy Spirit drawing her to Himself, that she would find deep, inner healing, and even outer healing, and find the FRIEND who will never leave her or forsake her. At the end of our conversation, she looked at me with a smile, and said, "I'm not sad anymore, thank you." For me, life IS worth living if just for a moment like this.

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