Monday, March 07, 2005

Birthdays in bed....ill that is....

ceo for the kids
You know, for 4 out of the past 5 years here in Hungary I have been flat on my back in bed, ILL, on my birthday!!! Go figure. Maybe my body fights all of January and February against all the nasty viruses going around and then just as the beginning of March hits, my immune system just isn't up to snuff to fight anymore. But on my birthday? I learned a long time ago not to ask the question "why", but rather ask, "so what can I learn through this?" Well......I don't have an answer.....except that it was fun celebrating my birthday last year and NOT being sick. Slowing down is always a good thing, and now I'm forced to slow down. May it be a time of reflection, prayer, and worship that I wouldn't otherwise have if I was going full-steam ahead!

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