Tuesday, November 30, 2004

The sun and the Son

ceo for the kids

I think I can count on two hands (maybe even one) how many days of sunshine we have had here in Szeged, Hungary, known as the "City of Sunshine" during the month of November. Needless to say, with darkness falling at about 4:15 (or earlier), and lack of sunshine during the day, there's a heavy air here of tiredness. Contemplating this today, I began thinking about how for some of these people, this heaviness and tiredness and darkness is an everyday thing for them in their souls. Not only has their been a lack of Sun here, but when one lacks THE SON in his or her life, the only hope that one has is that maybe there will be sunshine tomorrow to lift the burden temporarily. Wouldn't it be amazing to see an outpouring of the Spirit of the Son on this city so that even on the gloomy, "sun-less" days the JOY of the SON would be evident and hope would be permanent?!

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