Saturday, November 06, 2004


One of the amazing privileges I have in living and working overseas is the chance to travel to various cultures and see the lives of "real" people as they live and move and have their being. This past week, I got the chance to see Vukovar in Croatia. Just ten years ago, this city and entire region was engaged in a bloody ethnic war and this beautiful city of Vukovar was almost completely destroyed. As my friend and I drove around and I took pictures of the bombed out buildings standing next to newly constructed (or reconstructed) buildings, I couldn't help but wonder what it must have been like, and what it must be like even now for the people there who suffered tremendous losses, both materially and emotionally through devastating murders. Driving around in our comfy van, I thought "I have no idea what suffering is, and were I to have to endure what these people have had to endure time and time again, I'm not sure I would be able to do it." It's sobering to see, and yet at the same time, incredibly encouraging to see these people rebuilding their lives as best they are able to do so; what an incredible challenge to me to give thanks for EVERYTHING, no matter what may arise.

ceo for the kids

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