Tuesday, October 19, 2004

Learning about spiritual battle

For a couple of months, a group of us had been planning a big outreach event for youth in Szeged and surrounding cities. The week prior to the event, lo and behold, I am hit with serious back pain, which put me in the bed for the entire week leading up to this event! I could have responded in numerous ways, but I finally chose to see this as a gift from the Lord: TIME! Time to pray, to read, to pray about the event on the 15th, and it was during this week that the reality of the spiritual battle around us hit home! The enemy thought that he was taking me out of the battle, when in reality, and I'm sure much to his chagrin, it put me right on the front lines: in prayer. The youth outreach was incredibly "successful" as many, many young and old heard the Gospel of Jesus Christ preached, sung and announced over the course of 5 hours! I was unable to do anything physical in preparation, but the spiritual preparation was even more significant, and we won't ever know this side of heaven just what that battle looked like in the heavenly realms! And one last note, isn't it interesting that the day AFTER the event, my back pain was nearly completely GONE.

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