Tuesday, February 05, 2013

More reasons NOT to watch TV

I mostly work from home as a writing coach and editor, and I have two businesses online.  Today, I decided that, while I ate my quick lunch, I would turn on the TV just to see if there was anything worth watching at 1 p.m. on a weekday.  

I am further down the road now of beginning to understand why our nation is where it is spiritually, physically, emotionally and mentally.  First I found the Ricki Lake (?) show, and as I munched on my chicken salad and crackers, I listened as a woman who had lost her husband to death sat with a medium who talks with the dead, engage in the witchcraft of speaking with the dead.  One of the most disturbing things to me was watching the medium as she scribbled on her legal pad of paper these boxes and chaotic looking things and then she would "relay" what the dead husband was communicating to his wife. I could literally feel the demonic spirits being released into the atmosphere in that tv studio and over the airwaves.  The thing that amazed me, but did not surprise me, is how hungry the widow was as well as the people in the audience to 'connect' with the spiritual realm.  They don't even know that they are messing in the demonic realm because the enemy has so deceived people into thinking that whatever feels right or good is perfectly fine to engage in.  There is ZERO understanding of the kingdom of darkness because we now live in an age when darkness is considered light and true light is considered to be darkness.  

I supposed what was disturbing to me is that this kind of stuff used to be relegated to the side-show of a travelling circus and was engaged in in secret, but now it is wide-spread, accepted and even acceptable by the masses without question or concern about what is really BEHIND this medium's abilities.  Her prophetic gifts are given by the Lord, but she is using them for the kingdom of darkness and under its influence and thus infecting and inflicting the talons of the enemy of our souls on myriads of people who lack the spiritual discernment and knowledge of the Truth. 

Changing the channel, I hoped to find something a bit less overtly demonic and found the show "The Talk".  There are about 6 women who sit around a table with coffee mugs and talk.  I turned it on just in time to see them cutting to a David Letterman clip where he makes fun of Chris Christy and his obesity.  As they returned to the "talk table", I was completely astonished to watch one of the women, clearly overweight, "jokingly" stuffing a donut into her mouth while everyone laughed and talked about how great it is that Mr. Christy is just fine with his obesity and how the most important thing is that someone be satisfied with themselves no matter what they look like or how large they are!  My mouth nearly dropped when woman after woman agreed that if an individual is satisfied with him or herself being overweight, then it's good that they can make fun of themselves and just be satisfied with their bodies.  

HELLO???  Do we have a health crisis in this nation with an obesity epidemic and health care costs going through the roof partly as a result of people not eating healthy foods, not exercising, not caring about their weight and therefore opening up their lives, bodies and our entire society to monumental health crisis issues???  

As I watched, I saw a veil over each of these ladies eyes as the god of this age has blinded them to the destructiveness of our own personal choices to live unhealthy lives that are literally costing all of us millions in tax dollars, millions in lost income due to illnesses, and millions in lives lost due to premature deaths.  The enemy surely is out to steal, kill and destroy, and blind the minds of unbelievers, and these ladies are living proof that this nation is in a crisis of unprecedented proportions!  

We are so deceived.  We have given in to the spirit of the age and justified ourselves under the lying veil of "tolerance", thus bringing upon ourselves, our children, our families and our communities sickness, deception, lies, disease, and eventually, death.  And we want to call this way of thinking LIFE?  

After just 10 minutes, I turned my TV off.  Enough lies, filth, and worldly influence flowed out of that object today to last me a lifetime.  What is sad to me is that there are thousands if not millions of people watching those shows and feeding on the refuse that is being propagated, slowly but surely playing right into the enemies' hands.

I realize this is one of the harshest and most negative blog entries I have ever written.  Part of this is simply processing for me, especially after having been what I call 'slimed'.  I do know this....I am not missing a thing by not watching these particular shows on TV...along with many others like them; in fact, my life is RICHER and HEALTHIER because I am choosing to meditate on those things which are true, good, wholesome, life-giving, and hopeful.  I will continue to spend my time on that which gives THESE GOOD FRUITS rather than the rottenness so prevalent today.  

God help us!


Anonymous said...

Arden, this blog post is not harsh or negative, it is the truth! I commend you for accurately depicting what is on TV nowadays, and the harmful, negative impact this stuff has on people's minds and, as a result, on society. You are bold in telling it like it is!

And, regarding your other post, I never was suspended from Longfellow Elementary (or any other school) either, nor can I recall any of my classmates being suspended in elementary school.

Anonymous said...

Arden, this blog post is not harsh or negative, it is the truth! I commend you for accurately depicting what is on TV nowadays, and the harmful, negative impact it has on people's minds and, as a result, on society. You are bold in telling it like it is!

And, regarding your other post on Paul's students being suspended, I never was suspended at Longfellow Elementary (or any other school) either, nor can I recall any of my classmates being suspended in elementary school. Times certainly have changed for the worse.

Arden Campbell Czaszewicz said...

Thanks for your comment. Yes, times have changed and I'm glad my hope is in Jesus!