Friday, February 22, 2013

Men's brains and Women's brains

I knew that men's and women's brains were different, but the book I'm reading...see below blog posts...really fleshed some things out that I'd not considered.  Helpful is an understatement when it comes to being married to one of those men whose brain is very different than mine. 

The 'division' of the brain which occurs in utero in a male causes them to be more 'one-track-mind' thinkers, thus enabling them to be very focused, detailed and thorough.  On the other hand, we women naturally multi-task because the two halves of our brains were not, in a sense, 'severed' from each other in the womb.  The positives for women are obvious:  we can accomplish a lot all at once; the negatives are that we can expend more energy and not be as focused on something as we might need to be.  For me, it's not being as thorough.

The joy in rediscovering these truths is that I can love my husband more fully, understanding him and the way his brain functions, and knowing that it's different than they way mine functions, and that is a GOOD thing.  

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