Friday, October 21, 2011

Thriving in challenging times

All of us are feeling the crunch of life as we now know it, which is very different than even three or four years ago. In the midst of this new way of life, I've found a wonderful way to take care of my own family, bless others, and be healthy in the midst of it.

Enter Thrive Foods and Shelf Reliance. Yes, I realize this sounds like a plug for my new business venture, and in a way it is. Why? Because for someone like me, who sees the rising food prices, who regularly ends up tossing food out from the fridge because it goes bad, and who wants to be a blessing to others, this business is a great one.

Reading in Proverbs 21 this morning, the last verse in that chapter says, "The horse is made ready for the battle, but deliverance comes from the Lord." I stopped in my tracks, so to say, and meditated for a bit on this verse, especially the first half. 'The horse is made ready for the battle.' A horse must be prepared. He cannot sit in the barn all day eating, standing, sleeping, and being lazy if he is to be prepared for battle. Likewise, we must be prepared for battle, whether it is the battle of every day life, or the battle of when the power goes off for 3 days or a week or even longer. What about the battle of when I or my husband no longer has a job? Or the battle when the stock market plummets again and people's savings are gone? There are battles that cannot be imagined or even fathomed, and are we prepared?

I love the second part of the verse too: 'Deliverance comes from the Lord.' Yes, indeed, God will deliver, and I know this. However, to me it appears the verse teaches that there is preparation of the "horse" involved as well.

Enter Shelf Reliance and Thrive Foods. This is the simple, straight-forward way of preparing for the battle, while recognizing that deliverance is from the Lord. I don't know about you, but I want to be a blessing to others in times of need and not a deficit. I want my 'horse' prepared in the form of good-tasting, nutritional food and water and emergency supplies so that when the battle hits, and others are hurting and in need, I can be a blessing as a child of God, who brings ultimate deliverance to them and me.

So, without belaboring the point, have a look at my website here
and if you find yourself interested in ordering or even becoming a part of this ever-growing network marketing company, let me know. We are so blessed, so let's look to be a blessing to those around us!

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