Sunday, February 17, 2008

Prom time in Hungary

One of the many "formal dances"....this was the English waltz!
Waiters bringing the champagne to the seniors!
My "teacher/student" dance dance partner, Zsolti Makovits and his mom and her hubby.
One of my students, Bogi, Zsolt, and Mary Jill!
Two boys I've taught for four years...we were cutting a rug!!!

Saturday night, the school where I teach had its annual "prom". Prom is extremely different here than in the U.S. with formal dances at the beginning, champagne glasses given out to all the seniors for a toast, alcohol being sold, dinner being eaten at the school with parents and other family members, and parents and other relatives coming to the prom and some of them staying once the dance starts! My friend Mary Jill was in town for our ICF weekend meeting so she got to come with me and experience a Hungarian prom for the first time! We had a blast, as you can see! And this year, I was asked, for the first time in 8 years, to dance in the teacher/student dance! What fun!

1 comment:

revtom said...

You are an instrument of Grace, thanks be to Him who uses you in their lives.