Sunday, November 18, 2007

Rain, cat fights and suicide

Well, after days of rain and light snow, with puddles everywhere, I'm sort of wishing that it would all go over to Georgia in the U.S. where they desperately need the water! The rain has kept lots of people inside, because it is also very COLD, and my cats as well. Cooped up, they've got some energy inside, so when I let them out this morning, Toby immediately picked a fight with the neighbor cat who frequents our yard when my boys are not in the yard. Not a pretty sound to hear at 6 a.m.

So far this is a very different winter than last year...we were still in shirt sleeves this time last year, and now we are in winter coats, gloves and hats. Seems strange to have two so very different years...but then again, there's lots of upheaval going on everywhere, not only physically, but spiritually...God is shaking things up, shifting things, moving, stripping, cleansing, breaking, molding, remaking, and forming His children. Will we welcome His work?

This will be a very different holiday season for one family at my school. Last Thursday night, an 11th grader took his own life, the day before his birthday. No note, no fact, he'd started to become much more extroverted and friendly with classmates and others in the past 6 months. Unlike my cats, who took out their pent up frustrations on another cat, this young man took his out on himself, leaving many to wonder 'why'? I pray that in these next few days God gives me the opportunity to share with students about hope in Jesus!

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