Monday, September 10, 2007

School, Church, Friends, Cats

I'm writing this blog after having read TF's recent blogs in which there are multiple themes in one blog. Thanks for the inspiration!

I had my "long" day at school today....5 lessons, and each was really blessed! After my last lesson, one of my favorite senior boys, who has started coming to Bible study, asked me if I would dance with him during the teacher/student dance at the prom in February! I was honored and said, "of course!" This is the first time in 9 years of teaching at Deak that I've been asked, so I was very happy. Zsolt is a sweet kid...I'm praying for his salvation...he is becoming an active part of Bible study and a huge helper with all the organizational stuff needed for ICF! Pray blessings upon this young man!

I was sitting in church on Sunday when the pastor started talking about Luke 7. The Lord put that chapter on my heart a couple of weeks ago, and I cannot seem to get away from it. During his sermon, suddenly, the Holy Spirit starts giving ME a "sermon" on the same chapter! So there I was trying to listen to him preach in Hungarian and listen to the Holy Spirit downloading HIS sermon to me! Kinda cool!

I got a sweet text message on my phone the other day...a friend wrote "I miss u." In the same message this friend wrote, "I love you my friend." I think I read that message about 5 times that day and about 3 times daily since....why? I've been wondering myself...and a couple of conclusions have popped up. I am realizing how important it is to tell the people in our lives what we are FEELING toward them. Also, living cross-culturally, one experiences as the years go by, the emails and communication wanes, so to hear these words from a good friend far away means MORE than one can ever imagine.

Finally, today I heard a cat fight.....yep, my boy Simon was picking on one of the neighbor cats who had come into "Simon's territory". It would not have been so bad except that Simon literally scared the s____ out of the other cat and it got ALL over Simon!!! Not fun trying to bathe a cat covered in another cats' feces. Ah, getting tastes of what it must be like to change diapers...haha ha ha haha!

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