Wednesday, January 25, 2006

More Swimming lessons

I got to swim today.........even though it is MINUS 7 degrees celcius outside......the pool is under a dome, so it's not so cold inside. Just before Christmas, I bought new swim goggles because my old ones were leaking and fogging up after 50 meters. Of course I thought, "Ok, I've got new goggles so I won't have any problems now." Well, about the third time out with the goggles, I noticed that after about 400 meters, they began fogging up. I got irritated, thinking, "I spent a lot of money on these goggles and look, they are fogging up....what a pain!!!" Then the thoughts started, "Why can't someone make fog-free goggles? What am I doing wrong that they are fogging up? I followed all the directions....I don't get it??!!!" Today, as I swam, they were foggy after 400 meters and I had to stop and lick the insides and rinse them out, after which I could again see clearly. However, today, the Lord gave me a new perspective on goggles. After about 400 meters, I need to have a short rest; I need to stretch a bit more before I continue. The foggy goggles give me that rest and that chance to stretch, in order to complete the last 600 meters strong, without injury, and with "seeing clearly." It's a "rest time"; necessary rest. That's where I am in life right now too. I'm in a "necessary rest" time......except that I've swum about 10,000 meters before taking a rest, so I really need to clean the goggles and stretch. I simply cannot go on without clean goggles, which, actually, I have to let the Lord clean because I cannot, they are simply too foggy. I'm hanging on to the end of the pool, trying to stretch too, and He is buoying me up, big time, not just so that I can simply catch my breath and swim on, but rather receive full restoration so that I can FINISH strong. Ultimately, it is not ME finishing, it is Christ IN me, living through me, but I've got to stop swimming myself and let Him do it.

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