Monday, January 09, 2012

2012 and food prices

Our church family started a Daniel fast on January 1 of this year. It's a 21-day, no meats, sweets or dairy fast, just like Daniel did as recorded in the Old Testament of the Bible.

Last weekend, Paul and I ventured to the store to shop for our fruits and veggies...and wow, the ticket-shock was on high-alert! I'm sure everyone is noticing the increase in prices of produce...not to mention other foods! It's amazing how much "less important" that big screen TV or even that new pair of jeans becomes when you have to shift your budget to accommodate higher food prices, because in reality, food is just a bit more important! ;-)

To that end, yes, I am advertising here, I want to encourage you, rather strongly, actually, to pray about and seriously consider investing NOW in long-term food storage that actually tastes AMAZINGLY GOOD! Click HERE to link to my website where you can order yourself, or contact me if you have questions. I've been doing this now for about 6 months and LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the food!

In addition, they have other GREAT products, from shelving to store the food, to emergency packs to water filters!

So, as times grow increasingly challenging economically, and the nations of the world seem to be spinning out of control, why not take some of that hard earned money you have and INVEST in your family with good food!

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