Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Follow-up on phone call to a stranger....

Once again, I must declare to any of you out there in blog land who don't believe in God or believe that He is intimately acquainted with us, knowing our names and phone numbers, please read on...

If you read yesterday's blog below, you will hear of a pretty amazing story; I won't repeat it here, but rather follow-up.

So, not only was the name and phone number which Bob Hartley received from the Lord and gave to me to call accurate, but the woman, who lives half-way across the country from me, and I are now friends! We spoke not once, not twice, but three times yesterday, and the Lord knit our hearts in sweet love and fellowship with each other! We got to "share our stories/histories" with one another, our journeys with the Lord, and encourage each other! I'm so excited to see how BOTH of our hearts have been ignited with the Love of the Father and encouraged in HOPE! I must admit I am still completely blown away by the specificity of God's words to His children, yet I shouldn't be because Scripture teaches that He knows the very number of the hairs on our head.

So, today, while it is still today, inquire of the Lord, seek His face, adore Him for who He is, the God who sees and knows, who hears the cries of our hearts, who loves us intimately...let us love Him in return, the One who will never leave us or forsake us! To the KING!

1 comment:

Dana Butler said...

this is so cool. God is amazing.