Thursday, February 10, 2011

Prayer works!

Some of you know that part of my ministry now in the body of Christ is intercessory prayer. Two years ago, I didn't have a grid for what it means to be an intercessor, except that Scripture teaches us that Jesus is sitting at the right hand of the Father, always interceding for us. Well, if Jesus is the great intercessor, then it follows that His children would also serve through intercession.

One of the heart-beats of the Lord is stopping human trafficking. Along with many others, I have a burden for this horrific crime, which is simply modern day slavery and is rampant across the planet. Every Wednesday, I lead a "side-room" prayer hour focusing on ending human trafficking in eastern Europe. It's hard work, yet as the Lord gives His burden to us each week, we press in and pray His heart regarding human trafficking.

In the past few months, the Lord continually brought me/us back to Hungary...I thought it was because I'd spent 11 years there as a missionary and teacher, but apparently, God knows and wants to see human trafficking into, through, and out of Hungary stopped. A couple of days ago, I received an email from a friend of mine in Hungary in which was written the following:

"Another trafficking ring has been busted says the Hungarian news - French, Hungarian, plus others trafficking Vietnamese."

I cannot begin to put into words how my faith has been encouraged and lifted up by this news! If any of you struggle with prayer, wondering if you are hearing God's heart about something, trust Him, know that He is speaking and leading you into His heart for His Kingdom to come and His will to be done, on earth as it is in heaven!

Join us from wherever you are in the world on Wednesdays as we pray for the ENDING of human trafficking in eastern Europe! Clearly, this IS God's heart!

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