Saturday, April 03, 2010

Happy Easter!

My absolute FAVORITE hymn of all time is the one with these words:

"Jesus Christ is risen today!
Our triumphant holy day!

For me, Easter is ALL about life, triumph, victory hope and the glory of God quite literally manifested in the flesh of the risen Jesus Christ! The empty tomb is a clear picture in the natural of what is possible for every person on the earth: FREEDOM from whatever tomb, whatever abuse, whatever ridicule, whatever family issues, whatever persecution, whatever fear, whatever "death" producing addiction, or whatever bondage that may have had or still has a grip on you or me! My prayer for all of us this Easter is that Jesus's triumphant emergence from the tomb would grip our hearts in a new way as a clear testimony of just how much the Father loves us and wants us to be set FREE in His Son, Jesus Christ!

May the blessings and love of our Daddy in Heaven flow into your hearts today and this coming year!

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